Product & Services

What We Offer...

Self Healing helps you return to your center with reminders of your own healing power. The strength that you discover within yourself helps you transform physically and emotionally.  The process enables deep healing forces within you, while awakening you to a world of inspiration and well-being.

Find relief from the suffering and frustration of chronic conditions and experience the freedom of taking control of your health.

InnerQ Holistic Center offers an oasis where growth-oriented people can find programs, advice, workshops, and more, on helping them to become fully integrated–that is, by becoming whole (Wholistic) or becoming Holy, that is, spiritual, by integrating body, mind, emotions, and spirit, and more, along with integrating all past and present spiritual paths.

InnerQ Holistic Healing Center combines the art of healing by using proven techniques.

Services include intuitive guidance, energy healing, Indian & Japanese based Reiki and workshops in the holistic healing arts.

Reiki – A healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into…

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EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) – A simple yet remarkable healing system that reduces the stress…

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Acupressure – A treatment of symptoms by applying pressure with the fingers to specific pressure points…

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Aura Cleaning – Removes the imperfections and dark clouds that surround one’s aura.  Your aura defines your past, your present, your future.

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Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) – Unconscious thinking patterns as registered in eye movement, breathing and other body language is analyzed

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Spiritual Counselling – Helps a client to understand life’s situations by de-cluttering the emotional barriers and guiding the individual…

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Chakra Balancing – Chakras are Entry Gates of the Aura.  Energy flow is checked and balance for harmonious functioning of body and soul.

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Guided Meditation – A desired outcome is achieved by following a practitioner’s words affecting one’s physical, mental and emotional being.

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Colour Breathing – A meditative practice to activate the aura color where the practitioner helps you choose a color to suit your needs.

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Reflexology – A system of massage used to relieve tension and treat illness, based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet, hands…

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Intuitive Guidance – Guidance received during an Intuitive session allows the person to become aware of potentials and situations that would…

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InnerQ Holistic Healing Center

…   helping clients to heal and awaken their own intuitive and healing abilities
…  tapping into the power of self healing … relaxation in achieving peace and harmony to enjoy life’s maximum potential